Once again on Jan. 4th the first of two well drilling teams left for Zambia and as usual the unknown lay ahead, but even in those members of the team that were placed there by the Lord it was evident that He was working “all things out for His glory”. The first team consisted of Steve Vandenbrink, Walter Kropf and Mark Lichty to focus on well drilling along with Brian Anderson and myself to focus on saw milling a huge pile of logs into lumber to be used on a building project up at Sakeji mission school and also for various building projects around Chitokoloki. Steve had been on several previous teams and was able to carry on with well drilling as Brian and I spent the majority of our time milling the logs that had been brought in to Chit and were awaiting our arrival. Brian is a service technician with Wodmizer and his help in servicing the sawmill and in milling the lumber proved to be such a blessing. So for the three weeks they were with us Steve, Walter and Mark were able to drill three wells, each one with its own challenges while Brian and I worked away on the sawmill. Brian, Walter and Mark had to return home before the end of Jan. and were replaced by a second team consisting of Dave Wagler, Colin Metzger and Roy Horst. They installed the last of the pumps at Chit before moving to Dipalata mission along with Steve and myself to begin drilling the first of four wells up there. While they worked on the first of the four wells drilled there Steve and I began a building project along with Jeff Speichinger the local missionary, using some of the lumber we had cut for him down at Chit. We also installed a grinding mill for Jeff to make feed for his flock of goats as well as custom grind maze for the local folks, this will be a new ministry opportunity for him to connect with the local people. We also installed a total of 12 more solar panels to his solar installation to give him 24hr. power along with a solar powered pump to pump water for them from a well we had previously drilled. Dave was also able to use the tractor to clear several acre of land for Jeff to begin a small garden/farming project.
This year also gave many opportunities for sharing the gospel. Each village where a well was drilled had a gospel presentation at the well dedication and there were several requests for bible studies in a couple of the villages. Also each Tues. and Thurs. afternoon 15 to 25 young men as well as one lady a local school teacher came to Jeff’s house for a bible study. These proved to be very special times with great interest and many questions. These sessions would last 2 or 3 hrs. with them often having to walk home in the dark, but no one wanted to leave. We also had opportunity to minister in several of the local assemblies and also out at the Katonto assembly conference about 2 hrs. out in the bush from Dipalata. These are unique opportunities and only eternity will reveal all that was accomplished for the Lord, but we trust He was honoured in and through all these many activities this year. Some of us were able to extend our tickets and so we returned home in there different stages on Mar. 4th, 10th and 17th.
We also were made aware again of the pressing need for wells in these remote villages as on Mar.10th the day Colin and I returned home, a young 14 yr, old girl fom Kabambi village where we had just installed our last pump was taken by a croc and a lady from Manoah village where we had just drilled but did not have the pump installed yet was also badly bitten but managed to escape. So we pray for health and strength to be able to carry on this very needy work.