Hi Folks,
I just finished talking to Tony Jones in Grand Goave, Haiti. He is the brother that is working up in the mountains with extremely poor folk. You can only get there by mule. The ATV’s will get almost there but the last hour or so not even they can make it. The Lord’s machines work best. Tony has started schools, churches and of late a small transmitter for special radios. [I am not sure the radio is finished yet?]
The hurricane has wiped out all the trees and power poles in his city. He says they won’t have power for about 2 months but then he added: “We normally don’t have that much power anyway so we are used to it.” However, the mountain folk have lost everything.
He spent the whole morning talking to mountain folk. He was somewhat emotional when he spoke. Apparently they knew nothing about the hurricane coming so all their animals ….. mostly goats, some cows are dead. Because they had no idea that the hurricane was coming and went to bed. When they were awakened not even some of their huts were left. Their crops are destroyed and they were only 2 months from harvest. Tony said that there will be some hunger up in the mountains in the near future.
The ones who made it down to the city where Tony is said that there is no way any 4-wheeler will be able to go any distance because of all the mud-slides. The roads are destroyed and even the trails are blocked.
It was so good to hear his voice and to know that we have someone there we can trust to help in this moment of tragedy. He is a no nonsense guy and up and until now has worked selflessly for these forgotten people by most of the missions.
He said that in the area up in the mountains where he works there are at least 27 dead. So not only have they lost their belongings but they have lost family and all their means of survival. [Animals/crops]
If you would like to help through Tony Jones you can send funds to:
DNS Relief at my address here in Tampa. If you are in Canada MSC I am sure will be happy to help. No doubt CMML also will handle funds also. Simply indicate they are for Haiti/Tony Jones.
DNS Relief Fellowship [Distributing to the Necessity of Saints – Romans 12:13]
DNS Relief Fellowship
4311 – 116th Street NE Unit A
Marysville, WA 98271
There is no doubt that there will be other needs in the DR, Bahamas and even here in the U.S. Give carefully. Give where you think it best serves the Body of our Lord.
Al Adams